All-day devices

Two notes come to mind from this excellent image from Luke Wroblewski:

  1. People are using devices at all times of the day. Remember the talk of people being connected to their job 24 hours a day with their 'Crackberry'? Now it's everyone that's online reading webpages, on their preferred social network, monitoring their commute, gaming, note taking, etc etc.
  2. Look at the variation in screen sizes. Gone are the days of only designing for a single size of website. If you're designing a website (or designed one in the past couple of years), if you didn't account for this you should probably read my post from a couple of weeks ago.....

Of course, it could also be argued that people are using their devices too much and it's hard to argue against it, however while I can confirm that I've personally used my device for all of the tasks highlighted in the image above, it's rare that all occur on the same day........

Neal McQuaid