The difference between a 'trip' and a 'holiday'

Hello friend! I thought I’d initiate this little write-up discussing an interesting couple of words that we hear to describe what we’re away on, the words ‘trip’ and ‘holiday’. We’ve noticed both these used by different individuals when messaging and it raises the question, what’s the difference? For some, we’re away on a long ‘holiday’ which is from the dictionary is “time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax.” The word ‘trip’ is described as “journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again.” The interesting part personally is neither of these describe accurately what I, in my head at least, are on. And that’s interesting because until I’d looked them up, in my head I would have used the term ‘trip’. A holiday, to my mind, describes that concept of a beach, relaxing, lounging around. Something we’re definitely not doing! A ‘trip’ felt like it had more purpose however upon reading the description above, I feel it’s also inaccurate as for one, we’re not away for a short time!

Instead, searches of the dictionary lead me to propose the word ‘expedition’ as “an organized journey for a particular purpose.” what is intriguing is I find the use of this word uncomfortable to describe what we’re doing, in a camper van in Europe. This word is linked with much more exotic purposes: onto a mountain, or one of the Poles. I.e. much more serious that ours feels! However, when I look at what we’re doing, I also realise we’re also taking our own trip seriously, spending several hours four to six days a week doing activity. That’s as much as a day job for many! While on a ‘holiday’, the overall goal is…nothing? On our ‘expedition’, we have areas we want to visit, routes we want to climb, trails we want to run. And some of those targets require significant performance preparation, not to mention high levels of skill. So, what do you think? Does the word ‘expedition’ fit this type of trip, in Europe in a camper van, or is that demeaning to the word, which should be reserved for more “serious” activities like sailing across the Pacific or climbing a major peak? I’d love to hear your thoughts 🙂

And now that i’ve rambled on, on with the main show, what we’ve been up to for the last few weeks! Enjoy 🧗🏻‍♂️🧗🏻‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏊‍♂️👬

I’ll keep this short - we bailed from Saint Leger due to the heat and aimed south, targeting northern Spain to meet a group of friends. A quick detour to spend a lovely day on the beach on the Mediterranean and then charge for the Atlantic coast of Spain! I’m too far behind so suffice to say we’d a great time there, before a month back in Ireland, and then moving to the town of Cornudella in Spain until the end of the year! Enjoy the photo tour :)

As views go a for a ‘campsite’, it’s not bad

first time to touch water in almost two months…..

first time to touch water in almost two months…..

the prehistoric valley of Rodellar

climbing has exploded in Spain - so has the quantity of campervan’s!

Still amazed a smartphone can take this level of photograph. It’s not perfect just yet, but getting closer to professional quality. 15 minute exposure, iPhone XR.

post-river-dip smiles

post-river-dip smiles

the stunning village of Alquezar, near Rodellar

Rodellar: 40 minute drive to the end of the road and this is where you end up. End of the world feeling :)

a 200 metre tall crag - seems unbolted?!

a 200 metre tall crag - seems unbolted?!

walks with Al’s dog, Bonnie

walks with Al’s dog, Bonnie

well used hands :)

well used hands :)

yes, this cave is climbable. Baltzola cave in the Basque country. Note, Al in the bottom right for scale. At least 50 metres deep and 20 metres tall.

a typical northern Spain beach

We moved to Spain!

We moved to Spain!

An incredible crag in the Basque country. Korrea sector.

One happy doggie

One happy doggie

Howard still climbing as strong as ever

the daily view. Siurana, Spain

Never gets old. Siurana, Spain

Pete questing up what turned out to be a route to escape from. Great photo though.

The parents visit!

The parents visit!

Look. At. That. View.