We're all Citizen Journalists now

Dozens of others streams quickly popped up in his place. I don't know if I feel more informed than I would if I had waited for a formal news crew to arrive, report out what was happening, and then pass that information back to me. With the smartphones in our pockets, we're all citizen journalists now. As Meerkat and Periscope connect live video to the real time distribution network of Twitter, some uncharted new forms of media consumption are going to emerge. We've had live streaming apps before, but this new generation of apps is able to reach a big audience at a much faster pace.

From TheVerge.

I tried out Meerkat (Note: Twitter itself has just released Periscope, it's own live-video app) which kicked off the fad only three weeks ago - the user experience alone is worth trying out.

Step 1: download the app.

Step 2: sign in with Twitter (only two clicks if already signed in on an iPhone)

Step 3: stream a video

Something for all applications to aspire to.

Neal McQuaid